New Life on Lease

Sunday, April 23, 2006

David Gray - Live in Melbourne

As I drove towards the car park, I was amazed to see throngs of people just streaming and gravitating towards Rod Laver Arena. The traffic jam gave me a moment to consider the awesome phenomenon right before my eyes.

Yes, I know for a fact that this was an arena/stadium concert. It says so on the ticket stub. But it didn't quite occur to me that this was going to be so big... so crowded. I was elated. David Gray has finally arrived. In both sense of the word. All the cold nights, empty gigs, unnoticed albums and abandoned tour buses has finally paid off.

It was a near-sold out tour for this unsung manifesto - a songwriter and prophet I hold in high regard for his craft, down to earth heart to heart lyrics and unflinching neck for melody and addictive rhythm.

I wonder how he must feel, having come to this place.

Lior, the opening act, had so much regard for him and called David a true gentlemen - that he was humbled by David and the crew.

David Gray performed like a gentlemen - in a perfectly tailored suit that showed off his british heritage and the music genius he is. Either like a total kid on the guitar bobbing his head away, jumping to tempo of the shadow play, or on the piano stringing together notes that seem to fall easily into place, one thing is certain - this man has a deep sense of respect for music he is playing. The way he finishes his last note on the piano, the way he gets the audience with "half a mind to scream out loud", the way he manages to put clashing riffs on the same song and the sensitivity of his vocals.

I never cry at concerts but for some reason there was a visitation. I guess, I can see clearly now.


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